A working meeting of national stakeholders’ representatives, the analytical team of “100 % of Life”,...
On September 4-5, 2018, the Charitable Organization All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS...
According to epidemiological estimates, about 185 million people in the world are infected with...
According to the Protocol (No. 19/2018 of August 3, 2018) of the Coordination Council...
The experience of two Ukrainian organizations regarding the sustainability of services for HIV-positive patients...
In the history of public procurement, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine has received...
On July 25, at the session “New Technologies – New Opportunities” hosted by Life4me...
Sir Elton John and Anne Aslett highly commended the Network’s progress during a press...
On July 25, activists from the EECA region organized “Stop AbbVie, Fight For Life”...
On July 19-20, CO “100% of Life” (The Network of PLWH) traditionally participated...
On July 23, community representatives from the EECA region informally met with representatives of...
Dear members of CO “100% OF LIFE”! We would like to inform you that...