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The network develops a system for monitoring social services in Ukraine


On August 29, 2017 a round table “Making Recommendations to Implement Independent Monitoring and Evaluation of the Social Services Quality” was conducted by ICF “Caritas Ukraine” in Kyiv. The All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH presented its achievments in organizing a system of services monitoring and evaluating, as well as independent assessing the satisfaction with services provided in state institutions.

Non-governmental organizations should become an integral part of the system of the social services quality monitoring. This is important both at the national and regional levels and at every stage of the development, implementation, and realization of the system,” said Leading Specialist of the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH Denis Dmitriyev, who participated in this round table. “There are several prerequisites for this. Firstly, national NGOs, such as the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH, have already implemented highly effective procedures and have long-term experience in conducting internal monitoring and evaluation of services. Secondly, it is the efforts of patients’ NGOs, which break down barriers, improve the quality of services, and bring them in accordance with the needs of the clients.”

Beside the Network, representatives of the Ministry of Social Policy, its structural regional departments that implement the state local social policy, experts, representatives of civil society organizations, representatives of local government authorities, and international organizations took part in the round table too.

The concept of reforming the procedures of the social services quality monitoring and evaluation was presented in the framework of the round table. The participants had an opportunity to share practical experience of these procedures implementation.

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