To all the news, the information resource for doctors and patients, has been launched

On October 1, the site was launched; it is the first Ukrainian-language web portal that integrated all key information regarding HIV. This site provides access to the latest data on HIV testing, diagnosis and treatment. It houses a library of thematic information and educational materials, as well as large-scale maps of HIV testing sites and points of supporting the people living with HIV in Ukraine. The content of the portal was developed jointly with experts of the Public Health Center of MoH.

The development of was initiated by the largest patients’ organization in Ukraine CO “100%LIFE” in partnership with the MoH’s Public Health Center and implemented within the HealthLink project “Accelerating Ukraine’s Efforts to End HIV” with the support of the US Agency for International Development (USAID). The work on the portal lasted 3 months.

The materials of the site will be useful for the general population, doctors, as well as people living with HIV or being at risk.

A unique feature of the site is a library of information and educational materials related to HIV and public health; they are available in the “Materials” section. Users can download them for free for professional or personal use.

In the “I want to know everything about HIV” section you can find following basic information: what HIV is; what are the ways of the virus transmitting and how to avoid it; how and where to get HIV tested and how HIV is treated.

The information provided in the “How to live 100% with HIV” section helps to find out the following: what to do if you detect HIV; what kind of treatment it will be; in this situation, how to take care of your partners and relatives; what you need to know about your rights.

The “I am a doctor, I want to know more” section is focused on doctors; the implementation of the healthcare reform is changing their role in the fight against the HIV epidemic in Ukraine, in particular by giving more authority to family doctors. This section provides with the up-to-date information on HIV testing, antiretroviral therapy and specifics of treatment, about HIV resistance, the index testing and other relevant topics.

There are two maps in the “Where to take the test” section. One map shows HIV testing sites across Ukraine and the other one consists of contacts from organizations where people living with HIV can receive the support they need. These maps are the largest to cover settlements in Ukraine and will be constantly updated.

If you have any suggestions regarding the work of the information resource, please email


The HealthLink Project “Accelerating Ukraine’s Efforts to End HIV” is being implemented from 2017 to 2022 in 12 regions of Ukraine that are of high-priority for PEPFAR: Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kirovohrad, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Poltava, Kherson, Cherkasy, Chernihiv oblasts and Kyiv. The aim of the project is to improve access to quality HIV testing, prevention and treatment services for people living with HIV and representatives of key groups. It is implemented by CO “100% LIFE” in partnership with the ICF “Alliance for Public Health” with the USAID financial support.

CO “100% LIFE” (formerly -the Network of PLHIV) is the largest patients’ organization in Ukraine whose mission is to fight for Life. The network works with patients and for patients, representing the interests of people living with HIV in 25 regions of Ukraine.

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