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HIV experts from Moldova have learned the experience of the Net

For 3 days, a group of 16 HIV experts from Moldova studied the experience of Ukraine and the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH. The group from Moldova consisted of a head of the social protection department of the Ministry of Labour, Social Policy, and Family; a coordinator of the National HIV Programme; heads of regional social centres for people living with HIV/AIDS; and NGOs leaders who work with PLWH and vulnerable to HIV groups .

The Network organized meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. The public e-procurements system ProZorro was also presented. The experts examined innovative technologies of the E-Health and the Medical Information System “HIV Infection in Ukraine”.

Moreover, the guests visited the clinic “100% Zhyttya” (100% of Life) and “Social Centre for Women in Difficult Living Circumstances” in Poltava. They studied the Network’s experience in cooperating with the Penitentiary Service of Ukraine.

“Experience of the Network is very demanded in the EECA (Eastern Europe and Central Asia) region. Our experience and achievements will help neighbouring countries to overcome the HIV epidemic. We are grateful to the Moldovan colleagues for their interest in Ukraine and our organization. I am confident that we will be able to fully cooperate in the future,” said Dmytro Sherembey, Head of the Coordination Council of the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH.


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