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The All-Ukrainian Network of PLHA is struggling to expand access to innovative antiretroviral drugs


The first session of the Economic Court of Kyiv, held on July 6, 2017, was dedicated to a claim of the Network of PLWH aimed at reducing the price of the tenofovir alafenamide fumarate (TAF) medicine. During the session, the Network of PLWH announced its claims to cancel the monopoly on this medicine, ultimately resulting in a significant reduction of its price in Ukraine.

The claims are based on the fact that the document that establishes a monopoly on the medicinal product (patent) does not comply with the requirements of the law, regarding novelty, an inventive step, and industrial applicability in particular. According to the Network of PLWH, procedural violations were committed while the patent was granted. In accordance with the legislation, this is the ground for its abolition.

The abolition of the monopoly will lead to more affordable generic medicines on the Ukrainian market, which will make it much more accessible to patients.

TAF is the newest medicinal product for HIV+ patients, which will be available in Ukraine in the next few years. But now, the Network of PLWH is working to ensure its maximally low price for Ukraine and ability to buy generic versions.

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