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Representatives of regional NGOs in Kyiv discussed the budget health process – USAID HealthLink

The CO “100% of Life” (The Network) conducted the training “The Budget Process in the Healthcare Sphere” in Kyiv on July 14-15. The event was held for representatives of regional NGOs.

The trainer: Viktor Mykolaiovych Mazyarchuk

Due to the training, the participants learned about the main stages of the budget process; parts the budget consists of and its functions; as well as specific features of the formation and approval of budget resolutions. Particular attention was focused on the procedure of development, approval and adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine”, as well as amendments to it and reporting on its implementation.

The participants of the training also had an opportunity to consider in detail the following peculiarities of the budget process in the field of healthcare at the local level, in particular:

  • Budgeting of medical communal enterprises,
  • Interaction of communal institutions with local authorities regarding healthcare expenses,
  • Formation of demand for medicines.

Representatives of regional NGOs used the example of the previous budgets to consider how the budget is being formed depending on arias of their activities. Understanding these processes will allow them to assess how funding is allocated in key areas and to analyze the effectiveness of the allocated funds.

The training “The Budget Process in the Healthcare Sphere” was conducted for NGOs in the framework of the HealthLink Project “Strengthening HIV/AIDS Response in Ukraine” funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

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