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Training for the community of sex workers

We invite representatives of the sex workers community to participate in the training on improving the community access to healthcare services.

The training will take place from September 30 to October 01 in Kyiv. Within two days, you will be able to ask questions about receiving healthcare services in Ukraine, learn how to choose a family doctor and cooperate with him/her. You will also get to know about the following: confidentiality in the healthcare system, free services for patients, an “accessible medicines” program, a doctor home visit, as well as a reform of specialized, hospital and emergency medical cares. You will gain valuable skills to help you and your family and friends stay healthy.

A unique opportunity is a live communication with a head of the primary care center and family doctors.

In order to take part in the training, please fill out a short questionnaire at

The number of seats is limited, so hurry to fill out a questionnaire by September 19 (Wednesday). We will pay participants for travel, accommodation and meals.

The training is organized in the framework of the project “Reducing the burden of tuberculosis and HIV infection through the creation of universal access to timely and qualitative diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis and its drug-resistant forms; the expansion of evidence-based prevention, diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection; and the establishment of sustainable and viable healthcare systems”, with financial support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

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