To all the news

Support “Okhmatdyt” children’s hospital

Along with the rest of the country, we were horrified and outraged at the news this morning. The enemy hit the Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital. Children fighting for their lives with serious illnesses became the target of Russian missiles.

We urge everyone to convert the unspeakable pain and rage to support and action. The best way to fight helplessness and pain is to make a donation to support the hospital and its young patients.





We follow the situation and the needs of the hospital. CO “100 PERCENT LIFE” have helped and will help the hospital, we will do everything to keep children safe. Fortunately, a few months ago, we equipped a bomb shelter for children at the Center “Clinic for the treatment of children living with HIV and AIDS”, which can accommodate 120 people at the same time. Today, during the attack, all the children from this ward and neighboring ones were in the shelter. As a matter of fact, only the doors were damaged in the Center.


We urge all partners to promptly support the hospital’s recovery needs to do so.


Support “Okhmatdyt” children’s hospital:


Please spread this post, especially to Western audiences! The world should know about the crimes of the Russian Federation!

#Okhmatdyt #children #war #help #NotATarget #StopRussianTerrorism

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