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Shelters in Lviv

Prior to the beginning of active hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, the Lviv branch of “100% Life” had no experience in organizing shelters for people who found themselves in difficult life circumstances. 

However, after the mass arrival of refugees seeking asylum in Lviv, the organization’s staff realized that they could not stand aside and should take all possible measures to help their fellow citizens.

A week after the start of the war, we approved a decision to establish a shelter for the temporary stay of internally displaced persons on the basis of our Organization and began active preparations for its opening, says Khrystyna Kupcheva, head of the shelter. in the process of fighting a common enemy. ”

At the beginning of the activity there were some difficulties. We had to start activities without 100% security. Additional resources were found directly in the process of joint efforts.

“For example, we received the premises with the help of the military administration of Lviv region, we thank our colleagues from the charity sphere for mattresses and beds, borrowed kitchen appliances in our office, temporarily took dinner tables from our sewing company, which was postponed for obvious reasons. The rest of the necessary equipment, such as shelves, dishwasher, kitchen utensils, etc. were kindly donated to us by our partners, ”adds Khrystyna.

The shelter has been operating for exactly a month, and during this time the staff has repeatedly witnessed the readiness of Ukrainians to help each other – one evening after the appeal was published on social networks, we fully completed the equipment of our children’s room.

Equally important is the systematic provision of the shelter with free dairy, bakery products, personal hygiene products, etc.

Animators and various publishers also regularly visit children. Food is prepared by the kitchen in the hospital by order of the organization, and residents of the shelter go to the network of sports “Sportlife” to wash.

“In addition, we have already involved 4 internally displaced people in the shelter and do not plan to stop there,” said Janet Matveyko, a social worker. – Every day we meet trains from all over Ukraine, and help those in need. We refer and accompany them to a narcologist, put them on substitution-maintenance therapy programs, which they can receive for 10 days, etc. ”

The main goal of the work is to create safe and comfortable living conditions for internally displaced persons with maximum care and guardianship. A week ago, the second shelter was opened, and 60 people, including from Bucha, Mariupol, Lysychansk, and Irpen, used the shelter’s services.


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