To all the news

Officially: the general fees of participants of the Network


Dear Members of the Network,

Based on the Meeting minutes of the Coordination Council of the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (hereinafter – the Network) No. 11/2017 of September 12, 2017, the General Meeting of the Network Members (hereinafter – the General Meeting) takes place from October 31 to November 1, 2017.

Date of the General Meeting: October 31 – November 1, 2017.

The opening of the General Meeting work: October 31, 2017 at 11.00.

The closing of the General Meeting work: November 1, 2017 at 18.00.

The General Meeting venue from October 31 to November 1:

20, M. Junkerova Street, Pushcha-Voditsa, Kyiv, 04075, Ukraine.

Provisional agenda of the General Meeting:

  • Opening of the meeting. Minute of silence.
  • Election of the Chairman and Secretary of the General Meeting.
  • Adoption of the General Meeting agenda.
  • Welcome speech of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Network.
  • Annual report.
  • Results of the PLWH community representatives activities in the National Council on Counteraction Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.
  • Admission of candidates to the Network. Membership cards presentation.
  • Closing of the General Meeting.
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